What is Medical Qigong?
Why Practice Medical Qigong?
Who Can Benefit from Medical Qigong?

What is Medical Qigong?
"Qi" is vital energy and "Gong" is skill. Qigong is the 5,000 year-old Taoist (natural) art and science of cultivating energy. Medical Qigong is a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is based on the energetic meridian system of the body. By using gentle movements, breathing techniques, and mental concentration, one can generate, circulate, strengthen, and cleanse the life force (Qi) within oneself. The practice of Qigong can lead to greater vitality and health, as well as a more peaceful state of mind.
Why Practice Medical Qigong?
Scientific research has documented the efficacy of Medical Qigong. It has been shown to greatly enhance health and vitality, fortify the immune system, increase circulation, enable a deeper state of relaxation, and improve concentration and awareness. Similar to Western biofeedback techniques, Qigong enables improved self-control of ones internal environment. Research suggests that Medical Qigong can be beneficial for arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, and a wide variety of other common ailments. Consequently, Qigong can stand alone as a separate modality, or act as a vital complement to other medicinal therapies.
Who Can Benefit from Medical Qigong?
Qigong includes both gentle movement (dynamic) and stationary postural (static) techniques. Because Qigong can be practiced standing, sitting, or lying down, people of all ages and health conditions can benefit. Practice can be tailored to individual needs making it ideal for maintaining and promoting ones present state of well being, or as an aid to recovery from illness or injury.